
Monologue Workshop 獨白社 @Taipei

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About Monologue Workshop 關於獨白社

Mono(希臘文 μόνος mónos 意味"獨自"、"一人")

logue (希臘文 λόγος lógos 意味"說" )

If you had only one chance to tell the world who you are, what would you do?

Welcome to 獨白社 Monologue Workshop, where we tap into our inner storytellers. We are storytellers. The power of storytelling increases the depth of engaging with others. We like to see people do, fully experience their lives. And only by sharing our stories, we begin to connect.

Monologue Workshop is an acting community for anyone who wants to access the power of storytelling through developing skills in critical thinking, creating a character, and making an impactful performance. You'll craft a short monologue, like a solo act, to express yourself authentically.

Monologue comes before dialogue. The skills you'll learn here can be applied to public speaking, interviews, leadership, personal charisma, and more.

Join us on this journey of self-discovery and connection through storytelling.

在古希臘劇場,西方戲劇的演化裡,最早先有獨白的產生,才有對話。 獨白是一個演員內涵裡很重要的一門功課,一個獨白呈現出角色內心的縝密、親密、關鍵而驅使故事往前進的時刻。對的獨白可以展現一位演員從思想、聲音、到肢體整體的成熟。"獨白社“會由練習技巧,思考劇本來增加表演者在呈現獨白的自信心。



2017 紐約市 Setting the Stage 教學照

Setting the Stage in New York, NY

Background 教學背景

As a former teaching artist for the Setting the Stage program at Fordham University at Lincoln Center, I had the incredible opportunity to mentor and teach high school students drama. Through group classes encompassing improvisation, monologue, movement, and audition techniques, I fostered a dynamic and inclusive learning environment where students could unleash their creativity and hone their craft.

我過去曾擔任過紐約市 Setting the Stage 教學藝術家,教授公立高中生戲劇,擔任組別導師。課程包含即興、獨白、肢體、及徵選技巧。


For latest Zoom seminars and classes, please email: abriellekuoassistant@gmail.com
